Category Archives: craft

2nd May 2023- King’s Coronation

In preparation for the King’s Coronation on Saturday 6th May, we made scones. First we put 225g of self-raising flour and 2tsp of baking powder into a mixing bowl. We then each got 50g of butter which we cut into small cubes and then took turns in groups of three rubbing it into the flour.
Once we had a breadcrumby texture we added 2tsp of caster sugar. We then broke an egg into a mug, being careful to remove any pieces of egg shell and added 100ml of milk. Once we had stirred this up nicely with a fork we added the liquid gradually to our bowl till we had a soft dough. We then took it out and patted the dough to about 2cm thickness. We cut out circles of dough and after brushing them with milk, put them into the oven for 10mins. While they were baking we washed up our bowls and other things. Once they were baked we ate them with clotted cream and strawberry jam.

When we finished, we made some paper bunting to hang up for the coronation.